Monday, September 27, 2010

How Regional Teams can Save the WPS

The WPS season ended Sunday night with a tape-delayed Fox Soccer Channel viewing of FC Gold Pride destroying Philadelphia 4-0. Benefiting from an odd play-off format, FC Gold only had to play in the championship game while Philly had to win two prior matches before meeting up with an amazing FC Gold squad. As a women’s soccer fan, it is saddening to think that the world’s best female soccer players are only worth a tape delayed championship game.

When the WPS was created, my husband insisted that the organization had overlooked an opportunity to create a widespread fan following. He suggested that the WPS create regional based teams rather than having a team locked into a particular city. Although players would not have a true “home field,” a regional team would likely boost ticket sales and increase the number of fans. If the WPS created a Midwest team, the team could play its home games in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. If a city has only two or three opportunities to see top level women’s soccer, fans are more likely to want to buy tickets and attend the match. Fans proved that they will come out to support women's soccer during the 2003 Women's World Cup when the venue was suddently changed from China to the USA due to the SARS outbreak.

To coincide with the regional teams, the WPS needs to exploit the profitable youth club soccer organizations. Large youth tournaments field thousands of local and out of state players. Why not schedule a WPS match in a city where one of the larger tournaments are being held and offer discounted tickets?

As the WPS continues to improve on marketing the league, I hope that they learn to promote Marta like a god. Although I am well aware that the league consists of many star players, there is something special about Marta. Unfortunately, I have only seen her promoted during the all-star game and on a Puma commercial. As far as I am concerned, Marta needs to be on all of the morning news shows performing all different kinds of ball tricks to draw more people in.

The WPS needs to also know not to compete with the NFL. Why was Philadelphia playing Washington in Philly on a late Sunday afternoon during NFL season? Conclude the season prior to the NFL or schedule games on a Friday night. Sunday’s in the United States are reserved for food and football. With NFL games on throughout the day and evening, the WPS will lose some of its fan base.

I live at least five hours from the closest WPS team. My opportunities to watch matches rest soley on Fox Soccer Channel. Let’s hope that with the Women’s World Cup next year that the WPS will continue  to showcase the talent of women’s soccer and create more opportunites for the WPS to become more visible. I would like to see this league last more than three years.

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